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ABOT - Artists´Books on Tour (katalog)


ARTISTS´BOOKS ON TOUR - Evropská autorská kniha

Editor: MAK Vienna, MGLC Ljubljana, UPM Prague

Catalog editing: Kathrin Pokorny- Nagel
Editorial assistance: Katharina Diewald, Aline Müller, Lucie Vlčková
Copy editing: Nadjeschda Morawec, Christopher Roth, Anna Mirfattahi
Translation: Linda Paukertová, Arven Šakti Kralj Szami
Graphic design: Maria-Anna Friedl
Vazba - lepená, formát: 26,5 x 21,3 cm, 80 s., bar. reprodukce
Production: Holzhausen Druck, Wien
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
Printed in Austria
ISBN: 978-86335-085-7

This catalog was published on the occasion of the competition and the eponymous exhibition ABOT - Artists´Book on Tour, Artist Competition and Mobile Museum.

Texty: Christoph Thun-Hohenstein (Director MAK), Helena Königsmarková (Director UPM), Nevenka Šivavec (Director MGLC), Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel: Artists´Books on Tour,  Jury Statement, Martina Kandeler-Fritsch...More Than a Thousand Words, Jianping He: MAK Book, Florian Pumhösl: Artists´Books - A Historical Format? Maria White: Books, B o o k s  and Books, Prize Winners- vyobrazení vítězných děl s odborným textem.

Vydáno: 28.06.2012