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Míla Judge-Fürstova zvolena do výstavní komise Royal West of England Academy


Over a year ago Mila was invited by the Royal West of England Academy to submit her work for consideration for the annual election of RWA Academicians. She was extremely honoured as one cannot apply to be nominated but can only be invited, on the basis of quality of the work over years. In January 2007 Mila was amongst the 30 artists across Great Britain who received this nomination. During the following six months a shortlist was drawn up and four artists invited to the final stage of the election. After the next six months, during which a final ballot was cast by the Academic Village, Mila learned that she was elected to the RWA. She has become the youngest Academician currently at this world famous institution.
Famous RWA's include for example, Vanessa Bell RWA, Dame Elisabeth Frink RWA, Sir Terry Frost RWA and many others. Mila also will now be entitled to use the title RWA.

Míla Judge-Fürstová byla zvolena do Royal West of England Academy a současně přizvána do výstavní  komise této instituce...
Více o RWA:

Výstava jejího díla z let 2007 - 2009 se koná od 22. června 2009 v Air Gallery v centru Londýna. VíceTisková zpráva:

Interview Míly Judge-Fürstové s Otakarem Svobodou v České televizi o jejím díle a jejím nedávném výběru do RWA - zde

Vydáno: 04.06.2009